
Need new Furnace?

High efficiency furnace with install starts from only $2600+Tax

With 10+ years of experience and 5* google rating ThermEnergy is trusted Heating and cooling company for your home. We only have satisfied customer because we deliver what we promise with great top of line products and excellent workman ship. At Thermenegy, we delivers safety and reliability of HVAC system is main aspects that every customers need. For that we spent lots of time and money for training of our technicians, installers and salespersons through manufacturer, distributors and training institutes. All our techs are licensed and insured to do any HVAC jobs.


• No Heat?
• Furnace too loud?
• Leakage?

Don’t worry we can fix any furnace or Boiler problem.

Mechanical system has wear and tear, which leads to failure of parts.

We keep stock of most of frequent failing parts and we can fix it even if it’s midnight or weekends.

Thermenergy offers Rush emergency service for just $85


Maintain system will prevent:

• Costly breakdown
• Unsafe home condition
• Emergency service call

We do 15 point check up on heating and cooling system. Which ensures your system to run safe and efficiently.

We provide our customer yearly maintenance plan for heating and cooling system. Schedule your furnace


New Installation

Keep running your old system is costly in terms of repairs and energy bills…

Upgrade your heating / cooling system with high efficiency unit and get government rebates too.

We provide top of line product with free 10 years protection plan so you will be cover for any future repairing cost.

High efficiency furnace can save up to $350 to $500 / year on energy bills.

why   Why choose ThermEnergy?

  • Free consultation: Our expert will help you choose right product for your needs, explains warranty and protection plans, government rebates, and installation details at no cost.
  • Same day Installation: We understand how uncomfortable if HVAC system doesn’t work, we guarantee your installation within 24hrs.
  • Top of line products: We only recommends you most efficient, reliable and perfectly matched system for your needs.
  • Team of Experts: Our techs, installers are best in industries with lots of experience, licensed and insured. Who will make sure your system works safe, efficiently and reliable.
  • Warranty: We back our product and installation with extended warranties for part and labor. 10 year protection plan available.
  • Ease of Payment: Provides monthly finance, rental or deferral options at very low interest rates.

Service plan for Heating and Air conditioning





Monthly + Tax (12 Months Term)


Once a year in fall complete service

Carbon monoxide testing

Heat Exchange inspection

24/7 Customer Support

20% discount on repair

Service test report


Monthly + Tax (No Contract)

Unlimited visit for repairs

24/7 support

Covers frequently failing parts

Majority of parts covered

30% Discount on new replacement.

Service test report


Monthly + Tax (12Month Term)

Covers both Maintenance and protection plan.


Air Condition


Monthly + Tax (12 Months Term)


Once a year in fall complete service

Also includes Condenser coil clean up

24/7 Customer Support

20% discount on repair

Service test report

Tune up for best performance


Monthly + Tax (No Contract)

Unlimited visit for repairs

24/7 support

Covers frequently failing parts

Majority of parts covered

30% Discount on new replacement.

Service test report


Monthly + Tax (12Month Term)

Covers both Maintenance and protection plan.


Furnace + Air Condition


Monthly + Tax (12 Months Term)


Complete service on fall and spring

24/7 Customer Support

20% discount on repair

Service test report


Monthly + Tax (No Contract)

Unlimited visit for repairs

24/7 support

Covers frequently failing parts

Majority of parts covered

30% Discount on new replacement.

Service test report


Monthly + Tax (12Month Term)

Covers both Maintenance and protection plan.


Call us for Schedule Maintenance!